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作家相片Ms. CHOW

7月4日 投票權 / 4th of July, Right to vote


剛到英國, 已拿取資格成為選民, 也參與過兩次地方選舉, 仍記得第一次與第二次投票時心態和認知程度分別很大, 但我只抱持有權自己選擇的重要性, 繼續參與。因那邦沒收, 於此邦鼎力支持, 支持 - vote for England & vote for all BNO Hongkongers。🗳🙋🏻‍♀️

When I have arrived in the UK, I had registered to be a voter. I have already participated in two local elections. In between these 2 elections, I found that I have great different of my mentality and awareness. However, I only know and uphold everyone should have the right to choose for themselves. That state ban / deprivate our freedom of election, it doesn't matter, we swap it to vote for England & vote for ALL

British Hongkongers. 🗳🙋🏻‍♀️

現在有空時會多加留意各黨的政績和選舉政綱, 雖然有點兒虛和少, 仍尋找能與其理念相近的。從前投票是我個人喜惡, 現在多是為以BNO visa移英港人及其後代福祉作出決定, 「平權」是必須。我們用行動來投票給「英國」, 充心希望孕育更多愛國者, 以英國和人民福祉為首。「擔當」是面對處理世界政局困境的必備能力和魅力。🤝🏻👍🏻

Recently I have free time, I will study more about their past political achievements and election platforms of various parties. Although those information isn't enough to provide me making decision easily, I am still sincerely looking for one's ideology that are similar to mine. In the past, voting was about my personal preferences, but now is for the well-being of British Hongkongers who immigrated to the UK with BNO visa and their descendants. Fight for "Equal Rights" is a must. We'd already voted for Britian with our movements. I always think that to breed more patriots are a must. Nowadays, have courage to "Take Responsibility" is a must for the leader, who will not only facing internal matters but also having strong ability / mindset to deal with difficult political situations in the world. Who has such personal ability and charisma? Let meet him on 4th of July. 🤝🏻👍🏻

祝福英國! Blessings to Great Britain!💖💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

晚上8時多,睡房外忽見彩虹出現,現場看她很清淅很美很近,多謝又一次來英國聚會。At around 8 something pm, I suddenly see a stunning rainbow appears outside of my bedroom. That's so gorgeous. Thanks for catching up with me once again in the UK.

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